
Sergio Alves, United Nations World Food Programme Colombia

Sergio AlvesSergio Alves is a Bolivian/German national that holds a 25-year professional experience in the area of emergencies and development. Starting as a national programme officer in Bolivia, Sergio has managed and coordinated a vast number of projects and operations in WFP in several Latin American countries, Africa and the Middle East.

Sergio has worked responding to crises such as droughts, floods, earthquakes, pandemics, armed conflict generating internal displacement and refugees, and migration in countries such as Iraq, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Colombia. He has also a solid experience in livelihoods and resilience which provides him with the knowledge on transiting from crisis to development.

In WFP Colombia, Sergio is coordinating and supervising the activities and teams that are part of the triple nexus Humanitarian – Development – Peace, connecting the largest activities of the emergency response with the resilience/climate change adaptation and socio-economic integration.

Sergio holds a MSc degree in urban and regional planning from the US, and a graduate diploma in Regional Development Planning from Germany.